Topics of Interest

In the times of dynamic changes in librarianship, education and society, sharing of experience and cooperations have special value. Shift to e-resources  requers new models of workflows and new forms of library management. Special accent will be given to these sybjects within all conference activities. World trends show that effective interrelations and cooperations in electronic environment provide the basis for the information provision services of a new generation.  

Traditionally conference topics cover library collaboration and cooperative projects. Reports and presentations, devoted to new approaches in library collections development and services provision, are welcomed.

Topics of interest for the conference of 2015 are the following:

  • New search tools for library catalogues and full-text collections.
  • Discovery services. 
  • ARLICON project resources as a natural part of the library space, new models of integration and usage.
  • Information library portals - user-driven approach.
  • Consortia electronic libraries. 
  • Electronic educational resources: state-of-the-art situation and prospects.
  • Digital libraries: digitization process, accounting of databases and e-resources, training of staff and end-users, legal issues.


24 Dec 2015
Доступна новая коллекция фотографий с конференции АРБИКОН 2015

03 Jul 2015
В разделе "Галерея" опубликованы первые фотографии с конференции!

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XIV международная научно-практическая конференция и выставка завершила свою работу

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