
The XII conference has finished. It followed traditions on previous ones, showing high level of reports, novelty and importance of issues, discussed within the frames of the conference program. The conference was organized in accordance with the agreement of strategic cooperation between St. Petersburg polytechnic University and Stuttgart University.

More than 250 participants took part at the main program in St. Petersburg, including representatives from 37 regions of Russia, from 4 cities of Germany. 35 reports and presentations were delivered. 40 specialists from Russian libraries as well as German colleagues participated in the Stuttgart’ program.

This year many subjects, considered of vital importance for the world library society, were discussed at Russian forum as well. Novel forms and effective solutions for redefining the library services were discussed, including consolidation of library data, redesign and transformation of library search engines, single-sign-on technology.

The exhibition also raised great interest. Equipment, software and databases for the libraries were presented by Russian and foreign providers.

The Organizing Committee is happy to thank all conference participants for the highest level of professional competence and for fruitful discussions. Special thanks for the conference sponsors, who supported some of participants and activities.




16 Jul 2014
Доступны материалы конференции АРБИКОН-2014

08 Jul 2014
Галерея конференции АРБИКОН пополнилась еще двумя коллекциями.

07 Jul 2014
Материалы конференции будут доступны и уже частично доступны для доступа из Интернет.

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