Organizing Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • Vasilyev Yury S. – research adviser of SPbPU, academician, honored worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, Prof. Dr.-Ing. (Russia)

Vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • Plemnek Alexander I. – director of Information Library Complex SPbPU, executive director of non-profit organization ARLICON (Russia)

Members of the Organizing Committee:

  1. Banionyte Emilija – director of the library of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, President of the Lithuanian Research Library Consortia (Lithuania) 
  2. Bezirci Pervin – director of the library of the Istanbul University (Turkey) 
  3. Kuzmin Evgeny I. – chairman of the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO Programme "Information for All", member of the Russian Federation Commission of UNESCO, president of the Interregional Center for Library Cooperation (Russia)
  4. Lihomanov Anton V. – general director of the National Library of Russia (Russia)
  5. Nogina Elena B. – director of the Russian Book Chamber branch of FSUE “ITAR-TASS” (Russia)
  6. Rosemann Uwe – director of German National Library of Science and Technology and University Library of Hannover (Germany)
  7. Saarti Jarmo – director of the library of the University of Eastern Finland (Finland) 
  8. Steenweg Helge – director of the library of Stuttgart University (Germany)
  9. Vattulainen Pentti – director of the The Finnish National Repository (Finland)
  10. Vershinin Alexander P. - general director of the Presidential library named after Boris Yeltsin
  11. Visliy Alexander I. – general director of the Russian State Library  (Russia)



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