Program Committee

Chairman of the Program Committee:

  • Sokolova Natalia V. – director of the Institute of Consortia Library Information Systems of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Politechnic University (Russia)

Members of the Program Committee:

  1. Dobrynina Irina A. – general director of the Central Universal library named N.A. Nekrasov (Russia)
  2. Kudryashova Galina Y. – director of the Reserch library of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin (Russia)
  3. Nikonorova Ekaterina V. – chief of the Special Projects’ Office of the Russian State Library (Russia)
  4. Strukov Evgeny N. – director of the Research library of the Kazan federal University  (Russia)


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